
株式会社セイブエンジニアリング SEIBU ENGINEERING CO., LTD.  TEL(03)5471-6301(代) FAX(03)5471-5693 TEL 81-3-5471-6301 FAX 81-3-5471-5693

お問い合わせフォームをご利用される際は、必ず「個人情報保護方針」をご一読ください。内容に同意いただけましたら、下記フォームに必要事項をご入力の上、「入力内容確認画面へ Next>>」ボタンをクリックしてください。尚、お問い合わせの内容によっては、ご返答が遅れる場合がございます。ご了承ください。

Please fill out the following form and submit to us your inquiry.

All fields marked by are mandatory to be filled out by you.
You personal information shall be handled strictly in accordance with the our PRIVACY POLICY which you may access here

会社名 / Company Name
担当者名 / Your Name
住所 / Address
(確認用/For confirmation)
お問い合わせ内容 / Message



  1. 株式会社セイブエンジニアリング(以下弊社)は、個人情報の保護に関する法令及びその他の規範を遵守し個人情報を適正に取り扱います。
  2. 弊社が個人情報を取得する際にはあらかじめ利用目的の告知を行い、適法かつ公正な手段によって個人情報を取得します。
  3. 弊社は、以下の利用目的の達成に必要な範囲でお客様の個人情報を使用し、その情報は弊社が厳重に管理いたします。
      a) お客様から寄せられたお問い合わせに対応する場合
  4. 弊社は、個人情報の正確性及び最新性を保ち、安全に管理いたします。同時に個人情報の紛失、改ざん、漏洩などを防止するため、あるいは必要かつ適正な情報セキュリティ対策を実現するため、お客様にご協力をお願いする場合があります。
  5. 弊社は、お客様(ご本人様)が個人情報について、開示、訂正、利用停止、消去などを求める権利を有していることを認識し、これらの要求がある場合には、法令に基づき合理的な範囲内において速やかに対応します。
  6. 本規定にて定めております利用目的が合理的範囲を超える場合には、新規に利用目的を提示するとともにその旨お客様にご連絡し、お客様の同意を得た上で利用いたします。
  7. 警察や司法など法的効力のある機関から個人情報の開示要求があった場合、その請求元へ情報を提供いたします。


This policy covers how we at Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. treat personal information that we collect and receive through our website. Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. is committed to protecting your privacy. We want your experience as a visitor to our website to be safe, secure, and valuable.

1. Collecting Personal Information
At Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. site, we may ask you to provide personal information, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address or telephone number if you would like to sign up for job opportunities, inquire about our products and services or other request. We may also collect demographic information, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences and interests.
2. Security Of Your Personal Information
Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

We store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access, which are located in controlled facilities.

We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably believe need to come into contact with that information to provide products, services, or support to you or in order to do their jobs.
3. Use Of Your Personal Information
Customers' personal information will be used for the following purposes:
- Responding to customers' requests for information
- Answering customers' questions
- Providing content that meets customers' needs
- Support our service for customers

Information about a customer's access to some of Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. web pages to which access is limited may be correlated, subject to that customer's agreement, to the customer's personal information. Unless a customer agrees, services will not be provided to the customer privately, and the customer's personal information will not be correlated to the access information.

Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. may disclose personal information where disclosure is legally required or where disclosure is rationally judged to be necessary in order that: (1) Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. follows legal requirements or complies with a public organization's requests for the website, (2)Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. protects or guards its own rights on the website or properties, and (3)Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. acts urgently to protect Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. clients and employees, Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd.'s products and services, or to secure public safety.
4. Sharing of your Personal Information
Except as described in this statement, we will not disclose your personal information outside of Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. and its controlled subsidiaries and affiliates without your consent.
5. Change to Privacy Statement
Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. will occasionally update this privacy statement to reflect changes in our services and customer feedback. When we post changes to this Statement, we will revise the "last updated" date at the top of this statement. If there are material changes to this statement or in how Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. will use your personal information, we will notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes prior to implementing the change or by directly sending you a notification.
6. Use of Third Party Network
Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, such as handling the processing and delivery of mailings, providing customer support, hosting websites, processing transactions, or performing statistical analysis of our services. Those companies will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the service. They are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are prohibited from using it for any other purpose.
7. Change to Personal Information
Upon your request, Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd. investigates and revises necessarily your personal information. This procedure would be followed by the law of Japan and the changes would be provided to you promptly unless any difficulty would be occurred.
8. Contacting Us
If you have questions regarding this policy, you should first contact us by using our Web form. If you do not receive acknowledgement of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, you should then contact us by writing, fax or phone mentioned below.
Seibu Engineering Co., Ltd.
4Fl Seibu Bldg., Minami-Oi,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-5471-6301
Fax: +81-3-5471-5693

